
University of Pisa Scholarships 2024 for International Students


University of Pisa Scholarships 2024 for International Students – You can now apply for a fully funded DSU scholarship offering at Italian university of Pisa for the class of 2024-2025 which is actually sponsored by Italian government’s Tuscany regional council and i am going to help you with your application process through this article by providing you all essential details so please read this scholarship news and also share it with your friends who want to study in Italy for free in 2024.

Benefits of University of PISA DSU scholarship

Let say you won this DSU Toscany scholarship at University of Pisa for 2024 batch then i can clearly see you receiving free MS/PHD education in Italy with free residence at University of pisa dorm with free meals, monthly stipend, and you may also be receiving additional funding for your research work and literature purchasing.

When is application deadline for University of Pisa scholarship?

If you are interested to apply for admission in Italy on DSU scholarship then please submit your complete online application for University of pisa toscany DSU scholarship before 6 September 2023 otherwise you will miss this opportunity for next batch of admissions.


Application Method of University of Pisa DSU scholarship 2024

If you are an Italian citizen student then you need to submit your online application for university of pisa scholarship here but if you hold any other nationality then you are requested to read requirements for university of pisa scholarship here and then start filling out your online application here.

I must also mention here that if you get admission at University of Pisa as an international student then you will also be subject to apply for an Italian study visa in order to legally enter in Italy to attend your university in 2024.

If you want to apply for Italian study visa for free click here to apply now