15 Tips For a Healthy Living

Do you want to enjoy a long and healthy life, as they say, health is wealth, you need to be healthy to live long, there are lots of benefits that come with creating a healthy lifestyle, it makes you prone to being easily sick; whether it be heart diseases, diabetes and any other illnesses. Now we know how beneficial a healthy lifestyle is, let’s dive into its tips.

1) Eat a Balanced Diet: Eating a balanced diet is accompanied with a lot of health benefits and some of these benefits are as follows: Balanced diet is a prominent factor in the growth of a person, It helps in fighting off diseases as well because when we it a balanced meal, it helps to help to produce and ensure the maintenance of germ-fighting cells in the immune system. It also helps to boost your mood and improve your brain health. Your balanced diet has to include the following: Whole grains, Lean proteins, Legumes, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and nuts.

2) Drinking Water Regularly: As simple as it is, it is one of the major tips for healthy living because of what it does for the human body. It is advised to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. This will keep you hydrated which has a good effect on your skin by reducing acne and puffiness and also slows aging.


3) Lessen Alcohol Intake: 
The excessive intake of alcohol causes lots of damage to the body, one of which is the Liver, For people who’ve been drinking a lot for years, Alcohol damages their airways making it almost impossible for the liver to fight off infection and also causing the body difficulty in extracting mucus from the lungs, which in the long term can cause pneumonia and other health-related issues and also causes heart issues like an abnormal heartbeat which may lead to fatigue, dizziness and shortness of breath. Hence try shortening your alcohol intake in order not to impair your health.

4) Cut down on Sugar and Salt Intake: WHO advises under 5 grams daily (around 2g sodium) to avoid heart problems. Control sugar: Men should aim for no more than 9 teaspoons (36g), women 6 teaspoons (25g). Cut back on sugary drinks, candies, and similar items to reduce sugar intake.

5) Sleep more: It’s advisable to get adequate sleep, it’s very beneficial to the body, and sleep limits the risk of developing heart diseases, and helps to support the immune system thereby improving your body’s antibody responses to influenza vaccines, it also enhances your level of productivity. Therefore it’s advised to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep.

6) Exercise Regularly: Exercise makes you physically fit and active, improves brain health and memory, manages weight, reduces pain, helps with relaxation and quality sleep and also reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as; high LDL cholesterol, hypertension, type 2 diabetes. Try to at least do 30 minutes of exercise at least 5 days a week.

7) Quit Smoking: Smoking Is a major cause of cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease and stroke, it damages the lungs, It also causes breathing problems and respiratory conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease which limits airflow to the lungs.

8) Have regular checkups:  You are expected to go for regular checkups, this way you know early signs of any health issues and have better chances of treating them. 

9) Practise safe sex: By practising safe sex by using condoms to prevent sexually transmitted diseases like; HIV and other sexually transmitted infections like Gonorrhoea and syphilis.

10) Drink Clean Water: Avoid unclean drinking water, Contaminated water causes diseases like; diarrhoea, cholera, dysentery, Hepatitis A, Typhoid and polio. Try boiling your water or filtering it to make it pure and safe for drinking.

11) Get tested regularly: It’s important to get tested regularly to know your health status, regarding STIs, Hepatitis A, B, C and Tuberculosis.

12) Avoid Stress:  Stress and any stressful situations can lead to health issues such as high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and the like. Try as much as possible to avoid stress by Listening to music, talking to a friend, and doing physical activities.

13) Take Supplements: Taking Supplements gives you the nutrients you get from your diet. Increases your level of nutrients and improves your overall health and well-being.


14) Positive thinking:
Positive thinking aids in managing stress, eliminates feelings of low self-esteem, makes you optimistic about life and improves your mental health, and physical and general well-being.

15) Practise self-love: By practising self-love, you accept yourself the way you treat yourself with kindness and respect. When you love yourself you are less stressed, more productive, more happier, it boosts your confidence and you see yourself achieving your goals. Practise it today.



Having a healthy lifestyle is what we all strive for, These tips are curated for you to achieve it. With these, you are very much on your way to having that healthy lifestyle. 


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