Canada Passport
Canada Passport

Easy Ways To Migrate To Canada


Canada is a country known for a lot of opportunities. Opportunities for students and workers alike. For workers, Canada offers a conducive working experience even for immigrants. There are opportunities to help you live a better life in Canada, as long as you have the necessary skills.

For students, Canada houses most of the best Universities in the world. Aside from offering a quality study environment, there are many scholarship opportunities in Canada as long as you meet the requirement.

Canada is a developed country, so of course, it’s only normal that many people would want to Migrate to Canada. However, migrating to Canada is not an up-and-leave process. There are procedures to be followed, and as such, not everyone is qualified.


In this post, we will be looking through some of the easy ways you can migrate to Canada from your current country. This could be permanently or temporarily. Let’s begin!

Study Permit

Study Permit also referred to as Study VISA, is one of the easiest ways to Migrate to Canada. However, this is exclusively for students or people looking to study in Canada. Considering the country has a wide range of really awesome Universities, thousands of students migrate to Canada every year for this course.

Hence, if you are good in academics and looking to migrate to Canada, you could consider the Study permit option, also referred to as the Canada Student VISA option. Although not ethnically the same, people often mix them to mean the same thing, which isn’t utterly wrong.

Spousal Sponsorship

Spousal Sponsorship has to do with Marriage. This method isn’t just exclusive in Canada but applies in some other countries, including South Africa. Basically, the Spousal Sponsorship way of migrating to Canada involves marrying someone who is a citizen of Canada and using that means to migrate to Canada.

Of course, if you are going to go through this means, make sure it’s legal. The Government of Canada has also made some adjustments to this in-other to curb fraudulent marriages to gain citizenship. Now, marriages need to be at least 2 years in love and harmony before any citizenship papers can be signed. We recommend it be true if considering this option.

Visitor VISA

This is quite explanatory. This method requires having a Visitor’s VISA to migrate to Canada. However, this is very limited. It’s only temporary, and there’s not much you can do with a Visitor Visa asides from tourism. Of course, you can network and meet people with a Visitor’s VISA. You cannot work in Canada, neither can/should you stay more than your visitor’s visa permits.

Investor VISA

The Investor VISA method of migrating to Canada has to do with finance. Just not any finance, but enough finance. This has to do with you migrating to Canada with the intent of investing in Canada. Canada and other developed countries are often open to investors/investments. Not just any investments, but good investments. And of course, this requires some substantial amount of finance.

If you’ve got the right investment plan and the right finance for this, the investor VISA is recommended over the visitor’s visa. The investor visa gives you more privileges compared to the Visitor’s Visa.

International Experience Canada (IEC)

Being able to migrate to Canada via International Experience Canada (IEC) has to do with youths being given opportunities to travel and work in Canada.

Youths between 18 and 35 are allowed to work in the country during holiday vacations but with an open work permit.

This category could be recommended if:

  • You don’t have a job offer yet
  • You’d like to earn money for travel
  • Want to work for more than one employer in Canada or/and
  • If you want to work in more than one location

There are a few participating countries, including Denmark, Japan, Rica, Australia, Norway, Taiwan, Austria, France, Germany, Slovenia, Hong Kong, Mexico, Spain, Sweden, Czech, etc.

For some of these countries, eligibility expires at age 29 or 30.

With the experience gathered during a working holiday, you can apply for Permanent Residence through the CEC. The CEC is a federal skilled worker of trades program.

Working Holiday VISA Canada

Super VISA Canada

Although there are still other ways to migrate to Canada, we consider this to be the easy way. Of course, we recommend reading more on the subject before arriving at your decision on which you go with.