Is Hooligan Media a Scam, What you need to know –

Is Hooligan Media a Scam, What you need to know

Is Hooligan Media Scam

Is Hooligan Media Scam? Hello, welcome to Bazeinfo. Today I’ll be discussing with you what you need to know about


Hooligan Media ads
Hooligan Media ads

I believe that many questions are going through your mind right now like

  • Is Hooligan Medi scam
  • Is Hooligan Media Legit
  • Does Hooligan Media Pay
  • What is Hooligan Media Threshold
  • How to apply and get approval on Hooligan Media
  • Is Hooligan Media Paying etc

In this post I’ll be trashing out the secret of Hooligan Media and most importantly the things you need to know about

What is Hooligan Media

Just like other known Google AD partner website, Hooligan Media is an approved partner site that sells and space to the highest bidder.

It should be noted that; a Google partner site is simply a website that has been successfully approved by Google to run AdSense adverts on their site. Not to be confused with Google partner certificates that certain PPC agencies and advertisers display on their sites, Google partner sites are solely to do with the display network. And that is why when you are approved on Hooligan Media, the type of ads that display on your website is an AD that looks exactly like AdSense ads with Hooligan Media writeup beneath each ad.

According to, it is believed that they pay higher than Google AdSense because they sell and space to the highest bidder, and also according to them, it is claimed that they are not racial or country specific in earnings, when you earn with USA traffic is also what you will earn with Togo Traffic – but personally (I stand to be corrected) I don’t think the above is entirely true, we all know that Google AdSense pays the highest when it comes to monetizing and earning with your traffic, no publisher sites can beat AdSense to it and that is why till tomorrow, many websites and blogs would still prefer to earn with AdSense rather than AdSense partners.

Further more, Hooligan Media is an ad exchange network that includes hundreds of ad networks and technology that makes them all compete for each ad impression, only highest bidder wins, increasing your revenue and rate over 8x. – I think Hooligan Media pays per impression as well as per click which is actually cool.

Below is a screenshot of an newly approved Hooligan Media Earnings of 4 days.

Hooligan Media Earnings
Hooligan Media Earnings

Is Hooligan Media Legit

Yes, is legit. Google would not approve any scam site to be part of it’s ad partner if they are not legit nor meet the criteria to become Google ad partner. So yes, Hooligan Media is legit and not a scam but no one knows what might happen tomorrow, we’ve come across many Google partner sites that fold up after running for some years nor months, I just hope that hooligan is not like that and that Hooligan Media is Here to stay.

Does Hooligan Media pay


What is Hooligan Media Threshold

Just like AdSense, threshold for withdrawal is $100 and payment is by wire transfer on a net 30 basis.

How to Apply And Get Approval on Hooligan Media

This is the most beautiful thing about, the fast approval and immediate monetization with a single tag setup is what I give a 5 star 🌟 about hooligan media Ads, they are considerate about approving any site so far you don’t have any popups, popunder nor annoying and 18+ ads on your site, Hooligan Media will definitely approve your site or blog within 3 days max and the ads will start appearing almost immediately after placing the core on your site head tag.

Is Hooligan Media Paying

Yes, is paying and that is why I’m as well using them on my blog, if Hooligan Media is not legit and not paying I’d definitely not be using it on my blog.

Side Note: Hooligan Media is worth giving a try if you have been recently banned by AdSense, if you were not approved by AdSense you should give Hooligan a try and if you don’t like it’s end result you can always remove it from your blog, noye that the review above is a view of the author and this is not a sponsored post nor paid content, it is entirely the thoughts of the author.

Thank you.

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